الاثنين، 26 مارس 2012

Warning significant use of "Dermovate" bleacher for the skin health disaster

Description of the Executive Director of the Food and Drug Administration for the drug, Dr. Saleh Bawazir women use cream "Dermovi" bleacher for the skin as a "health disaster".
While warning advisory Dermatology and Cosmetic Dr. Fatima Alchrira women from using the cream "Dermovate" or what is known as "cream green," or "cream sensitive", or "cream bleach", which is used by some women Kmfath and bleach the skin, and adds some spice dealers with materials and other mixtures.
He called Bawazir women who use this cream, cortisone creams and skin whitening Kchrimat to stop it immediately, saying that women who use these creams for whitening skin will suffer from the damage and complications sooner or later.
He called on citizens to report Bawazir the Food and Drug Administration for any Goods or Groceries Spices or any shops selling these creams, lotions, medical or Tkhaltha with other bleaching compounds.
The Khariri confirmed for "home" that "there are very popular among women, especially on the use of a preparation" Dermovi "without a prescription, and this poses a major threat to the health of its users.
And stated that "due to the effect of creams cortisone rapid in the treatment of skin diseases, in addition to whitening the body and soften the skin, and make the face Nira within days of use, and a timer, and the price cheap only 9 QR of the packaging led to the temptation of women, especially girls, to be used in large quantities and frequently ".
Said Dr. Alchriry This product is one of the strongest steroids topical and widespread among girls significantly, which should not be used except under close medical supervision, and for a period not exceeding two weeks, as it uses this product as an effective treatment for many skin diseases in cases of severe allergic eczema of all kinds, and to reduce the squamous cell layer, and in cases of psoriasis, is also used in cases of vitiligo "and warned that it can not be used in cases of inflammation, and fungal decay.
She added that "the absorption of cortisone-place through the skin in large quantities sufficient for the occurrence of complications in the organs of the body and the skin on both, depending on the age of the patient, and the amount of material used, and the area of ​​skin treatment, and the number of times of use, and duration of treatment if long periods, and also depends on kidney function and liver. "
Confirmed Dr. Alchrira that the use of this product has significant complications to the health of the patient, if was taken this cream for a period ranging between two and three months and especially in the head or sensitive areas where the skin absorption is strong, for a period ranging between two and three the patient was like eating cereal "Cortisone ", causing too many problems, the most important of the patient pressure, sugar, water, white or blue in the eye, as well as his osteoporosis, and a defect in the secretion of hormones is very strong, because of the activity of the adrenal gland Thbit Thbita fully and Cushing's syndrome.
She consulting dermatology health Jazan that the use of this product as well as lead to the expansion of the arteries and blood vessels, and an increase in pigmentation of the skin, or lack thereof, and atrophy of the skin cells, and the appearance of wrinkles, and cracking of the skin, and the appearance of white lines, or red skin, and increase these effects significantly If you use the product for long periods in different parts of the body, and increase the proportion of risk and incidence of complications if it is used in the face, neck, armpit, and sensitive areas, and groin.Warned Dr. Alchrira women and men from the use of a preparation Aldermovi only under close medical supervision, so as caused by the use of this product is cheap and great complications of disease, should not be used as bleaching and whitening mixtures that contain large amounts of this product.

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