The best diet program To reduce the weight for a week, then repeat the other times after the rest day at least, man-eating what he wants, and in what quantity, and food program to you:
Select any meal from the following:
• 2 hard boiled egg + apple
• 5 tablespoons corn flakes + skim milk cup
• 5 tablespoons per adult + one cup of skim milk
First day
Food: grilled fish or tuna without oil + green salad.
Dinner: 5 tablespoons cheese with low calories + toast or a quarter of a loaf.
Second day
Food: Half-baked or boiled pullet + green salad.
Dinner: boiled egg +5 tablespoons cheese with low calories.
The third day
Food: beans with lemon + green salad.
Dinner: 5 tablespoons cheese with low calories + toast.
The fourth day
Food: vegetable dish + salad + a quarter of a loaf or toast.
Dinner: boiled egg +5 tablespoons cheese with low calories.
The fifth day
Food: grilled fish or tuna without oil + green salad.
Dinner: 2 apple.
The sixth day
Food: Half relax + green salad or boiled vegetables raw or uncooked
Dinner: skimmed milk per adult or cornflakes skimmed milk.
The seventh day
Food: grilled fish or tuna without oil + green salad.
Dinner: beans with lemon (any amount) + green salad.
Here are some instructions for the diet:
• When you feel hungry eat lettuce or cucumber or carrots.
• You can add 2 tablespoons skimmed milk for tea or coffee once a day.
• As long as you do not specify quantities .. Can take any amount up to the full sense of satiety.
• Water during meals is very essential for weight loss in this program.
• must be addressed as much as possible from the water during the day, including at least 8 cups.
are taking tea and coffee without sugar and soda.
Sugar substitutes are allowed.
No weight but at the end of the program.
• No eating between meals.
• No eating between meals.
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